Up with People Canada supports young adults, ages 17 to 29, to represent Canada in the international group, Up with People. Young Canadians are immersed in a global community where they learn leadership skills with a focus on volunteerism and activities that promote being good citizens. This unique experience of cultural diversity teaches young Canadians that differences and similarities are to be honoured and celebrated - a united nations for young people! They return to our communities as new leaders.

Financial Support for Canadian Participants:

Up with People Canada will promote and contribute to this global education of young Canadians through scholarships and program grants for educational opportunities through Up with People Canada. Watch this space for more details as they are currently under reconstruction!

Sponsoring This Educational Program in Canada:

Sponsoring this program in Canada is inviting the world to our doorstep. Up with People Canada will work closely with any sponsor to identify needs in their community and how they may best be served through the Up with People program.  

For more information, please use our Contact Form to reach out to us.

Up with People in Ottawa, ON  |  2019

Are you, or do you know of, a young adult between the ages of 17-29 interested in representing Canada among the next program opportunity of Up with People?

Please use our Contact Form to reach out to us.